“Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent”
The exhibition is an encounter
of paintings of Loïc Van
Zeebroek (°1994) and sculptures of Maxim Frank
(°1985). The exhibition title is derived from the probably most quoted
phrase of Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. “Whereof one cannot
speak, thereof one must be silent”. Speaking about (essential) things beyond the
limits of our language (poetry, arts, ...) is nonsense. When we get to that
insight we may find that the best communication about the essence of life, art
or poetry is wordless. Throughout their practice, Maxim Frank and Loïc Van
Zeebroek direct their distinct poetic and imaginative sensibility toward
observations of, and engagements with, the essence of painting and
Loïc Van Zeebroek’s paintings question the
construction of the pictorial image, from figuration to abstraction and
vice-versa. A gradient sky becomes a place for reflection and contemplation. A
coloured painting of a field becomes a Color Field painting. A meticulously
painted circle becomes a sun and vice-versa. Painting nature becomes the nature
of the painting.
Maxim Frank’s sculptures and installations
question the teleology of objects, their initial and intrinsic purpose. Maxim’s
sculptures challenge and investigate the customs and conventions that are
inherently related to everyday objects. The Ladder is a recurring motif: its
linear purity becomes a critical field on which Maxim explores the relations
between utility, art, design and taboo.
Dauwens & Beernaert Gallery
Address : Av. de Stalingrad 26 1000 Brussel
Opening hours : Wednesday up until Saturday 11h - 18h and by appointment