Sofie Muller’s work is confusing. With immense craftsmanship she gives all her images a deceptive aesthetic that burns with an unexpectedly deep presence. The impact of the formative years of a human life are cast in bronze or drawn with smoke and they show how imposed standards, a single event in your adolescence or painful memories can cause an upheaval and lay new foundations. Subtle and hidden below the surface of each image, filtering through behind a closed look. The characters in the artist’s oeuvre share the same inner defect or scar, the same inherent complexity and contradiction. Never obvious stereotypes, but a complicated labyrinth of resistance and acquiescence, despair and certainty. These images speak in a burningly relevant voice. They bear witness to what remains ineradicable and leaves its traces. Even now, and later too. Like fire. And smoke.
Kristof Reulens
Geukens & De Vil
Leopoldplaats 12
2000 Antwerpen
Opening hours
Thursday up until Saturday 13h - 18h
and by appointment